Was wisst ihr alles über die Rechtschreibung in Amerika?
2008-02-25 05:37:32 UTC
Bzw.amerikanische Rechtschreibung.
Welche Rechtschreibregeln kennt ihr?
z.B:Groß-,Kleinschreibung,Kommasetzung usw.
Sechs antworten:
2008-02-27 05:16:58 UTC
mhhh, das ist ein wenig allzu generell ......dazu gibt es ein ganzes buch und das kann man ja schlecht alles hier reinschreiben :-)

ich glaub aber, dass ich einiges darueber weiss, da ich ein abgeschlossenes 2 jaehriges associates degree in applied science von einem amerikanischen college hab und in meinem englischkurs eine eins (A) hatte :-)

aber hier mal drei beispiele:

The basic rule states that a singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb.

NOTE: The trick is in knowing whether the subject is singular or plural. The next trick is recognizing a singular or plural verb.

Hint: Verbs do not form their plurals by adding an s as nouns do. In order to determine which verb is singular and which one is plural, think of which verb you would use with he or she and which verb you would use with they.

Example: talks, talk

You may end a sentence with a preposition. Just do not use extra prepositions when the meaning is clear without them.


Correct: That is something I cannot agree with.

That is something with which I cannot agree.

Correct: How many of you can I count on?

Correct: Where did he go?

Incorrect: Where did he go to?

Correct: Where did you get this?

Incorrect: Where did you get this at?

Correct: I will go later.

Incorrect: I will go later on.

Correct: Take your shoes off the bed.

Incorrect: Take your shoes off of the bed.

Correct: You may look out the window.

Incorrect: You may look out of the window.

Correct: Cut it into small pieces.

Incorrect: Cut it up into small pieces

Use the he/him method to decide which word is correct.

he = who

him = whom

Examples: Who/Whom wrote the letter?

He wrote the letter. Therefore, who is correct.

For who/whom should I vote?

Should I vote for him? Therefore, whom is correct.

We all know who/whom pulled that prank.

This sentence contains two clauses: We all know and who/whom pulled that prank. We are interested in the second clause because it contains the who/whom. He pulled that prank. Therefore, who is correct. (Are you starting to sound like a hooting owl yet?)

We want to know on who/whom the prank was pulled.

This sentence contains two clauses: We want to know and the prank was pulled on who/whom. Again, we are interested in the second clause because it contains the who/whom. The prank was pulled on him. Therefore, whom is correct.

Which one is the singular form? Which word would you use with he? We say, "He talks." Therefore, talks is singular. We say, "They talk." Therefore, talk is plural.

hoff, das hilft dir etwas weiter....und wenn du noch mehr wissen moechtest, schau bitte hier:

(das ist das blaue buch fuer grammatik, das auch wir auf dem college benutzt haben)
2008-02-25 05:49:30 UTC
Da gibt;s so viel zu sagen. Es wuerde zu weit fuehren, das alles hier 'reinzuscheiben. Lies selbst:

Schoene Gruesse vom Missouri!
2008-02-25 06:13:59 UTC
Sollen wir hier eine Doktorarbeit verfassen, oder was ?
2008-02-25 05:47:27 UTC
habt ihr das nich in der schule gelernt? das wie beim normalen english, nur ein paar wörter werden anders geschrieben
2008-02-25 05:47:26 UTC
Genauer bitte.

Man schreibt alles klein, außer den Satzanfang und Namen. Kommaregeln gibts keine.
2008-02-25 05:46:36 UTC
Sie entspricht der britischen bis auf wenige Ausnahmen, z.B. wird das "u" weggelassen, wo in England "ou" geschrieben wird (Labour - Labor).

Ansonsten gibt es zahlreiche "kreative" Schöpfungen: "To-nite", "Ped Xing" o.ä.

Dieser Inhalt wurde ursprünglich auf Y! Answers veröffentlicht, einer Q&A-Website, die 2021 eingestellt wurde.